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The New Translator Prize 최종 결과

  • 최 종 수 상 작

    The Winner of the 2022 New Translator Prize

Settled and Solid

Jenny Jisun Kim

Jenny Jisun Kim (김지선) is a translator and visual artist based in New Jersey. She translates from her native language, Korean, to English. Jenny earned a BFA in Painting with a concentration in Art History from the Rhode Island School of Design and is completing an MFA in Painting at Bard College. Her translation was featured in Chogwa issues 8 and 11, and she is currently a mentee for Korean poetry in the ALTA Emerging Translator Program.

(Photo credit: 김도이 / Doi Kim)


김지선 번역가님의 수상작 “Settled and Solid”은 돌기민 작가님의 단편소설, “단단이”의 번역본으로, 2022년도 공모전의 심사는 Anton Hur 번역가님께서 맡아 주셨습니다.


“The translator of Dolki Min’s “Settled and Solid” matches the verve and wit of the source text. The translation is a bit raw . . . but this works well with the source text’s form and premise. The choice to keep some of the Korean words gave it a pleasant, possibly unintentionally rough texture that goes with the theme.

There are many competent and even highly competent translators. That’s what the industry as a whole asks of us: to be smooth, clear, and inoffensive. Literature, however, is not about being smooth, clear, or inoffensive. Often we need to be rough, ambiguous, and provocative with our choices as translators, or at the very least recognize when our authors are pushing the envelope. Too many translators, especially Korean translators and the academics who educate them, choose to be safe instead of taking risks. I commend our winner for her energy, spirit, and glee—well done.”

-Anton Hur




(Soyoung Kim)

”미조의 시대” / 이서수


(Sunnie Chae)

“밤의 물고기들” / 박선우

2022년도 The New Translator Prize에 대한 뜨거운 성원에 감사드리며, 올해 여름 개최되는 2023년도 The New Korean Voice Prize 공모전에도 많은 관심 부탁드립니다.

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